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Showing posts from May, 2018

FOX NEWS: 2,000-pound bison gores jogger in the rear end

2,000-pound bison gores jogger in the rear end A jogger on a romantic camping trip with his wife was charged and gored by a 2,000 pound bison. The animal’s horns tore a 2-inch deep gash in the man’s backside. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Telegram: Apple has blocked our updates since Russian ban

Telegram: Apple has blocked our updates since Russian ban Has your Telegram app been acting wonky on iPhone since downloading iOS 11.4? via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: License plates going digital in California

License plates going digital in California Sacramento will be first city in the nation to test out the new tech. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: FBI warns hackers are targeting internet routers

FBI warns hackers are targeting internet routers Feds encourage anyone with an internet router in their home or business to reboot the devices to help protect against sophisticated malware from Russian hackers. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Smoking down, but tobacco use still a major cause of death, disease, WHO reports

Smoking down, but tobacco use still a major cause of death, disease, WHO reports Fewer people are smoking worldwide, especially women, but only one country in eight is on track to meet a target of reducing tobacco use significantly by 2025, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Roseanne Barr forced staffer to grill burgers in broiling heat, source claims

"Roseanne Barr forced staffer to grill burgers in broiling heat, source claims" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Mom killed self after ovaries were removed without consent, family claims

Mom killed self after ovaries were removed without consent, family claims A British woman killed herself following an operation in which her ovaries were removed without her consent, according to a report. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: How the 'Right to Try Act' will impact patients

How the 'Right to Try Act' will impact patients 'Right to Try Act' aims to help terminally ill patients get access to treatment not fully approved by FDA. Dr. Siegel explains. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Homeless teen gifted car by man battling brain tumor

Homeless teen gifted car by man battling brain tumor A Texas teen who has maintained above-average grades while facing homelessness and abuse was given a reason to smile earlier this week when a man battling a brain tumor gifted her with a car. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Nevada girl, 8, with robotic hand throws first pitch at Colorado Rockies game

Nevada girl, 8, with robotic hand throws first pitch at Colorado Rockies game Nevada native Hailey Dawson returned to a major league pitching mound for the ninth time Wednesday night to throw the ceremonial first pitch at Denver's Coors Field as the Colorado Rockies faced the San Francisco Giants. via FOX NEWS

Youth क्यों करते हैं धूम्रपान! कारण जानकर हो जाएंगे हैरान

विश्व तंबाकू निषेध दिवस पर आईसीआईसीआई लोम्बार्ड जनरल इंश्योरेंस द्वारा 1,000 युवाओं पर किए गए ऑनलाइन सर्वेक्षण से पता चला है कि 23 प्रतिशत युवा (20-35 वर्ष) 'कूल' दिखने के लिए धूम्रपान करते हैं.  from Zee News Hindi: Health News

FOX NEWS: Roseanne Barr forced staffer to grill six burgers in broiling sun, source claims

"Roseanne Barr forced staffer to grill six burgers in broiling sun, source claims" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Fortnite's shopping carts are here: What you need to know

Fortnite's shopping carts are here: What you need to know The first vehicle in Fortnite might not be what you expect. via FOX NEWS

In the World of Cryptocurrency, Even Good Projects Can Go Bad


FOX NEWS: School shootings: This cannon fires unbelievable ammo to blast through walls and help rescue victims

School shootings: This cannon fires unbelievable ammo to blast through walls and help rescue victims A powerful modern day cannon fires water bottles as cannonballs - smashing strong walls in mere seconds. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Jogger gored by 2,000-pound bison while on morning run

Jogger gored by 2,000-pound bison while on morning run A marathon runner was left with a huge gash after a 2,000-pound bison charged and dug its horn into his backside while he was out jogging. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Cannon fires unbelievable ammo - could help rescue victims

Cannon fires unbelievable ammo - could help rescue victims Fox Firepower: Allison Barrie with an up close look at a new cannon that could aide in active shooter situations through the use of its unbelievable ammo - water jugs. via FOX NEWS

Telegram App Says Apple Is Blocking Updates Over Dispute With Russia

By ADAM SATARIANO from NYT Technology

FOX NEWS: Girl with robotic hand throws out first pitch at baseball game

Girl with robotic hand throws out first pitch at baseball game 8-year-old Hailey Dawson has Poland Syndrome and was born without a fully developed right hand. But thanks to her robotic hand, this baseball fan got to throw out the first pitch at a Colorado Rockies game at Coors Field. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Oncology nurse forced to fundraise for terminal cancer treatment says it's working

Oncology nurse forced to fundraise for terminal cancer treatment says it's working An oncology nurse forced to crowdfund a cancer drug denied her by the NHS said the new treatment is working, thanks to strangers across the world. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Spanish town believes Coca-Cola got secret syrup recipe from local distiller

"Spanish town believes Coca-Cola got secret syrup recipe from local distiller" via FOX NEWS

हैंड वॉश और टूथपेस्ट से भी होता है कैंसर! आपके लिए जानना है जरूरी

हैंड वॉश और टूथपेस्ट में पाए जाने वाले जीवाणुरोधी संघटक ट्राइक्लोजन से गट बैक्टीरिया (अंतड़ियों में पाए जाने वाले सूक्ष्मजीव) बदल सकते हैं जिनसे मलाशय के कैंसर का खतरा बढ़ सकता है.  from Zee News Hindi: Health News

FOX NEWS: 'Serial crotch grazer': Mario Batali accused by 7 more women of sexual misconduct

"'Serial crotch grazer': Mario Batali accused by 7 more women of sexual misconduct" via FOX NEWS

धुआं रहित तंबाकू भी बीड़ी, सिगरेट जितना ही खतरनाक, सेवन करने वालों को होता है ये रोग

स्वास्थ्य विशेषज्ञों का कहना है कि धुएंरहित तंबाकू का सेवन भी सेहत के लिए उतना ही घातक है जितना घातक सिगरेट या बीड़ी का सेवन है.  from Zee News Hindi: Health News

FOX NEWS: Why Nintendo's gamble on retro consoles paid off

Why Nintendo's gamble on retro consoles paid off Nintendo is rebooting the Classic Edition of its NES and SNES consoles, which are 33 and 28 years old, respectively; they'll ship on June 29. via FOX NEWS

धरती से डायनासोर के खात्मा के पीछे ये है वजह, आप जानकर हो जाएंगे हैरान

 धरती पर 6.6 करोड़ साल पहले एक विनाशकारी क्षुद्रग्रह गिरा था और तब यहां 75 फीसद जीवन समेत डायनसोर के साम्राज्य का सफाया हो गया था.  from Zee News Hindi: Science News

FOX NEWS: Musician serenades surgeons during brain operation

Musician serenades surgeons during brain operation A 31-year-old musician serenaded surgeons while they burned out parts of his brain so that he could continue playing guitar. via FOX NEWS

Prune and Save Web Pages

By J. D. BIERSDORFER from NYT Technology

FOX NEWS: Interior secretary talks opioid crisis on reservations

Interior secretary talks opioid crisis on reservations Interior Department's Opioid Task Force partners with Native American tribal police to combat the opioid crisis. Secretary Zinke explains on 'Fox & Friends.' via FOX NEWS

हर दिन आजमाएं ये 5 स्टेप, जिंदगी भर रहेंगे फिट

अगर आपको जिम में जाने का समय नहीं मिल पाता है तो इसका यह मतलब नहीं कि आप व्यायाम ही छोड़ दे. आप सुबह जागने के बाद तंदरुस्त रहने के लिए घर पर ही कुछ व्यायाम अपना सकते हैं.  from Zee News Hindi: Health News

‘I Don’t Feel Superhuman. I Feel Like a Mom Who Has a Career.’

By CECILIA KANG from NYT Technology

FOX NEWS: Teenagers constantly think about food and what their next meals will be, study finds

"Teenagers constantly think about food and what their next meals will be, study finds" via FOX NEWS

Bhim एप के नए अपडेट में आया बिल पेमेंट का विकल्प, Android और iOS यूजर्स के लिए उपलब्ध

भीम एप में जोड़ा गया यह नया फीचर from Jagran Hindi News - technology:tech-news

FOX NEWS: Facebook execs grapple with the 'responsibility' of Facebook

Facebook execs grapple with the 'responsibility' of Facebook Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and Mike Schroepfer took the stage at the Code Conference in Rancho Palos Verdes last night to discuss changes the company has made in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Is cockroach milk the next non-dairy fad?

"Is cockroach milk the next non-dairy fad?" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Coca-Cola launches first-ever alcoholic drink in Japan

"Coca-Cola launches first-ever alcoholic drink in Japan " via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Apple's iOS 11.4: What to know before you update

Apple's iOS 11.4: What to know before you update Apple's iOS 11.4 software update, considered a major update for Apple users, hit iPhones Tuesday just days before the tech giant is expected to announce iOS 12. Here's what you need to know about the new features before you update. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Paraplegic man says Domino's worker discriminated against him: 'It hurts, it hurts bad'

"Paraplegic man says Domino's worker discriminated against him: 'It hurts, it hurts bad'" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Facebook user auctions personal data on eBay for 99 cents and bids soar: 'Sell it to advertisers or whatever'

Facebook user auctions personal data on eBay for 99 cents and bids soar: 'Sell it to advertisers or whatever' A Facebook user found out just how valuable personal data can be when he auctioned off his social media history on eBay this week. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: ‘Toblerone tunnel’ is a new trend sweeping across England

‘Toblerone tunnel’ is a new trend sweeping across England ‘Toblerone tunnel’ refers to the triangular space that develops beneath an extra-toned butt and thighs. Critics are bashing the trend saying it is just another unrealistic — and problematic — body goal for women to aspire to. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: New Starbucks training manual promotes 'becoming color brave,' speaking to customers 'one human to one human'

"New Starbucks training manual promotes 'becoming color brave,' speaking to customers 'one human to one human'" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Amazon extends Prime benefit to more Whole Foods stores

Amazon extends Prime benefit to more Whole Foods stores Good news, Amazon Prime members: Now you can get special discounts at even more Whole Foods stores. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Apple's iOS 11.4 software drops days before WWDC: What to know before you update your iPhone

Apple's iOS 11.4 software drops days before WWDC: What to know before you update your iPhone Apple's iOS 11.4 software update hit iPhones across the world Tuesday — just days before the tech giant is expected to announced iOS 12 at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in San Jose, California. via FOX NEWS

How Technology Is Changing Visual Art

By MINH UONG from NYT Technology

The Privacy Lawyer Giving Big Tech an $8.8 Billion Headache

By KEVIN ROOSE from NYT Technology

FOX NEWS: Navy seeks acceleration of first nuclear-armed Columbia ballistic missile sub

Navy seeks acceleration of first nuclear-armed Columbia ballistic missile sub The Navy and industry may be speeding up full production plans for its first Columbia-Class nuclear armed ballistic missile submarine as part of a broader move to increase the size of the service's submarine fleet more quickly. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Roseanne Barr not first celeb to claim Ambien led to bizarre behavior: What is the insomnia drug?

Roseanne Barr not first celeb to claim Ambien led to bizarre behavior: What is the insomnia drug? Roseanne Barr appeared to blame Ambien, a prescription sleeping pill, for the racist tweet that ultimately led to her popular ABC show “Roseanne” to be canceled on Tuesday by ABC. via FOX NEWS

ISRO बताएगा कितने लोगों ने अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस में हिस्सा लिया

चौथे अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस का मुख्य आयोजन इस साल देहरादून में आयोजित होगा. इससे पहले दिल्ली, चंडीगढ़ और लखनऊ में मुख्य आयोजन हो चुके हैं. from Zee News Hindi: Health News

FOX NEWS: Buffalo Wild Wings gives homeless man free wings for a year after staffer writes derogatory message on receipt

"Buffalo Wild Wings gives homeless man free wings for a year after staffer writes derogatory message on receipt" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Russians hack Wi-Fi Routers: What to do right now

Russians hack Wi-Fi Routers: What to do right now It's a pain in the neck, but you should probably factory-reset your home wireless router as soon as possible. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Nintendo launches first Pokemon game for the Switch

Nintendo launches first Pokemon game for the Switch The Switch already enjoys a healthy collection of Nintendo first-party games, but last night the first Pokemon game was announced for the system. via FOX NEWS

स्मोकिंग को लेकर हुआ चौकाने वाला खुलासा, जानना है जरूरी

देश में स्मोकिंग करने वाले प्रत्येक 10 में से सात लोग स्मोकिंग को सेहत के लिए खतरा मानते हैं और 53 फीसदी लोग स्मोकिंग छोड़ने की कोशिशों में नाकाम साबित हुए हैं.  from Zee News Hindi: Health News

iPhone में जल्द आएगा ट्रिपल कैमरा, 3D सेंसर के साथ 2019 में हो सकता है लॉन्च

आईफोन 2019 इस नई तकनीक से हो सकता है लैस, पढ़ें from Jagran Hindi News - technology:tech-news

सैमसंग समर डेज सेल में स्मार्टफोन्स पर 5000 रु तक का डिस्काउंट, पेटीएम मॉल दे रहा ये ऑफर्स

सैमसंग समर डेज और पेटीएम मॉल सेल में मिल रही ये डील्स from Jagran Hindi News - technology:tech-news

How to Watch Live Sports Online

By J. D. BIERSDORFER from NYT Technology

FOX NEWS: Report: Purdue Pharma knew of opioid abuse

Report: Purdue Pharma knew of opioid abuse Panel reacts to DOJ report on opioid abuse. via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: String of New York taxi driver suicides raise concerns as Uber, Lyft proliferate

String of New York taxi driver suicides raise concerns as Uber, Lyft proliferate New York City’s cab industry has been dramatically transformed by the influx of around 70,000 Uber and Lyft cars over the last six years. via FOX NEWS